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  2. 现代 (33)
  3. 小说集 (9)
  4. 短篇小说 (9)
  5. 漫画 (8)
  6. 长篇小说 (7)
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  11. "a thrilling page-turner that also happens to be the biography of one of russia's most controversial figures this is how emmanuel carrère, the magnetic journalist, novelist, filmmaker, chameleon, describes his subject: "limonov is not a fictional character. there. i. know him. he was a rogue in ukraine; an idol of the soviet underground under brezhnev; a bum, then a multimillionaire's valet in manhattan; a fashionable writer in paris; a lost soldier in the balkan wars; and now, in the chaotic ruins of postcommunist russia, the elderly but charismatic leader of a party of young desperados. he sees himself as a hero; you might call him a scumbag: i. suspend my judgment on the matter. it's a dangerous life, an ambiguous life: a real adventure novel. it is also, i. believe, a life that says something. not just about him, limonov, not just about russia, but about all our history since the end of world war ii." so limonov isn't fictional--but he might as well be. this pseudo-biography isn't a novel, but it reads like one: from limonov's grim childhood; to his desperate, comical, ultimately successful attempts to gain the respect of russia's literary intellectual elite; to his emigration to new york, then to paris; to his return to the motherland (1)
  12. 1294-1324 (1)
  13. 1579-1580 (1)
  14. bove, emmanuel, (1)
  15. fiction / city life (1)
  16. fiction / friendship (1)
  17. fiction / historical / world war i (1)
  18. gladiators (1)
  19. limonov, ėduard (1)
  20. paris (france) (1)
Pompeii /
出版社: Usborne,   出版日期: 2006.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: K885.468/2
阿兰的战争 已借5次.
著者: 吉贝尔
出版社: 北京联合出版公司   出版日期: 2015
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: J238/44:2
艺术的起源 已借3次.
著者: 阿纳蒂
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社   出版日期: 2007
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: K869/11
Gladiators /
出版社: Usborne,   出版日期: 2006.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: I561.85/57
著者: 卡雷尔
出版社: 文汇出版社   出版日期: 2017
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: K835.125.6=6/1
阿兰的童年 已借19次.
著者: 吉贝尔
出版社: 北京联合出版公司   出版日期: 2016
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: J238/70
著者: 卡雷尔
出版社: 人民文学出版社   出版日期: 2011
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: I565.55/11
著者: 埃洛阿
出版社: 福建教育出版社   出版日期: 2016
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: B089/54
论来到观念的上帝 已借1次.
出版社: 商务印书馆   出版日期: 2019
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: B82/61
最后十二天的生命之旅 已借1次.
著者: 施密特
出版社: 译林出版社   出版日期: 2016
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: I565/124